Post coccydynia surgery

 Kat Anjar enters sick bay for her shift, checking the roster of patients, and notes that Ms Senghor has been transferred from surgery.

Idrissa.Senghor lays, simply looking around. Cautious.

Kat Anjar approaches the biobed, smiling gently, putting her PADD down on the end of the bed, and stepping over to take a look at the patient's vitals. "Hello," she says softly, "how are you feeling?"

Idrissa.Senghor looks around and then up at the nurse. She sounds extremly nervous. "I ... I'm .... okay I guess." she begins. "When can I see my brother?" she wonders right out of the box. "Where is he?"

Kat Anjar looks down, reaching a paw to stroke the patient's shoulder for a moment, "I'm not sure about your brother, I can check for you. What is his name?"

Idrissa.Senghor watches the paw touch her and then returns her gaze to the nurse. "Souleymane Senghor. He may have been ... detained." she looks towards the door hoping maybe he is going to come through it.

Kat Anjar: "After I finish here, I'll check the records and see what I can find out for you." Her movements are professional and swift as she checks the various readings. Her eyes are serious though.

Idrissa.Senghor nods. "Alright ..." she begins to look around her at the place and lays back. "I'm in a Starfleet sickbay." she say, as if unable to believe it.

Kat Anjar: "You are in the Majel Community Hospital. It is part of the Starfleet Colony here on Astraios. But we treat many civilians here as part of our mission." She looks down at the patient, "Are you in any pain?"

Idrissa.Senghor listens and nods. "Not too much pain." she says and its unclear if she's lying or not. "When can I go find my brother." she asks, not terribly worried about herself.

Kat Anjar nods, noting the patient's temperature is still a bit high. "Ms Senghor... Idrissa," her voice is calm and hopefully soothing, "your condition is stable but you are not out of the woods yet. It would be better for you to rest and allow us to treat you so that you recover fully." She lowers her voice so noone else can hear, "We have repaired any broken bones, but there was quite a bit of damage to the.. base of the spine. I don't recommend much movement for the next 24 hours. We need the spine to stabilize or surgery will be required." She did not mention that the area seemed to have been traumatized more than once, without treatment. Even all their technology can't fit a puzzle back together if the pieces don't fit. They could replicate a spine now... but Kat always feels its best to allow the body to heal itself without that kind of intervention, unless there's no other choice. "Best rest," she says, "allow your body to heal, I will find your brother for you."

Idrissa.Senghor listens to her. "Well .... If you can find him. He's all I have." she explained an lay back a bit. "I'll heal better if I know he's alright." she looks around again. "I've never had Starfleet treatment before. I hear its fast. SO ... I'll try and be patient...."

Kat Anjar prepares a hypospray with a small amount of painkiller. "I'm going to give you this to help with the pain. It should relax you a little, and you might feel a bit sleepy, but you don't have to sleep now if you'd rather not." She places the hypo on Driss's neck and presses it.

Idrissa.Senghor cringes slightly away from the hypo but allows it. Her eyes narrow a bit and she nods. "Much better." she smiles, but it seems a little .... insincere.

Poison Toocool enters the hospital, nodding to the security officer at the entrance.

Kat Anjar smiles... lips pulling away from sharp little teeth. She pats Idrissa's shoulder with her paw, and steps away to go and look up the patient's brother on her console.

Idrissa.Senghor lays and watches the bushy tail move away, she takes a deep breath and makes herself look relaxed.

Kat Anjar hears the door swish and turns to see who it is. Her eyebrows raise and she turns away from the screen, moving swiftly to greet the person who has entered. Despite herself, she feels a bit nervous. "ah... Fleet Captain, good morning Sir."

Poison Toocool enters sickbay briskly. She glances to the nurse, eyeing her uniform with a practiced eye, then allows her eyes to wander about the room. She notes the patient at the back. The room seems tidy and the air is fresh. "Report, please" she says to the nurse, "it's Anjar, isn't it?"

Idrissa.Senghor glances over as the door opens and yet another Starfleet walks in. She wonders what her brother could have been thinking. She moves her eyes to the ceiling, concentrating on it for a bit. She would never DREAM of eavesdropping. Never. Not her. No way. No how. The Starfleets make such a fascinating ceiling ... how could she not be fascinated with it?

Kat Anjar twitches her whiskers in surprise. The Colony Commander knows her name? "Wo... I mean, yes Ma'am... Sir. Kat Anjar." She turns to look behind her, hoping her tail is brushed out and that none of her hairs are on the carpet. "Did you wish to see the patien..."

Poison Toocool: "Report please on the condition of Ms Senghor. I understand she was moved down here today." Her voice is melodic, yet she speaks with the air of command.

Idrissa.Senghor 's are still on the ceiling. The blues so stark. But you better believe she heard her name. No ... she didn't ... its the being zoned out on drugs. Yes We'll go with that, eh.

Kat Anjar nods, "Yes Sir, she was..." her voice falls a little, "she had multiple traumas Sir. Some recent, some from... data shows her life has been difficult. She is stable now Sir, but not out of the woods. We need to rehydrate her, and we had to do extensive surgery to the coccydynia"

Poison Toocool nods to the nurse, "Thank you. May I see her, please?"

Idrissa.Senghor turns her head away from the people at the door, refocusing her attention on .... anything .... nothing ...

Kat Anjar nods several times, feeling stupid, "yes Ma... Sir, this way please," she walks towards the bio bed, going beyond it, taking a position on the far side, snapping to attention then forcing herself to breath and go to 'at ease'

Poison Toocool approaches the biobed, allowing her senses to open, her energy to glow... "Ms Senghor? May we speak for a moment, if you feel up to it..."

Idrissa.Senghor arches her brows when the ..nurse ... walks into her field of view and snaps to attention then relax. She turns then tot he woman in the re shirt. A captain she thinks but isnt completely sure. "That depends on who you are." her voice is tinged with suspicion but not hostile.

Kat Anjar is surprised to hear Toocool's voice change from 'take charge' to something more... velvet and smooth as she speaks to the patient.

Poison Toocool: "My name is Poison Toocool," she says, approaching the bed and looking down at the girl. "I am Colony Commander here. I have reports on the ship you were on, and the gentleman you were with... Souleymane. I wondered if you could tell me how you came to be on that ship with him?"

Idrissa.Senghor looks at her. Interesting name. She begins to sit up as she hears Souleymane's name. "Where is he?" she demands. "He's my twin brother. He rescued me from the Atlas. Where IS he?" now she's getting agitated and, despite what the nurse told her, trying to get up.

Kat Anjar looks at the patient with alarm, and moves towards her, putting a paw on her shoulder, "tsk tsk, lay back, I am sure everything will be alright"

Poison Toocool: "He rescued you from the Atlas? what is that."

Idrissa.Senghor only fights slightly. She hisses in the pain she can't hide with her movements and lays back. With an exasperated sigh, she looks at the dark haired woman. "The Atlas is a civilian ship that was hijacked on its way from Earth to DS9." she explains. "They took everyone on board and my brother rescued me." she bites her lip. "We were hiding in a nebula when one of your ships found us." the way she says your makes it seems shes torn between gratitude and annoyance.

Kat Anjar shuffles nervously, wondering if she should stay where she is or go. She was divided. Curious about the girl, nervous she'd make a fool of herself in front of the most senior officer on the base. Her whickers twitched.

Poison Toocool: "It's a good thing we did find you," Toocool says firmly. "Our data shows the warp coil in the Motherland was degrading. If we hadn't come along, you would have been stuck there indefinitely."

Poison Toocool looks to the nurse, "Please go about your duties. Thank you for your report."

Idrissa.Senghor looks at the officer. "As long as I was with my brother, I couldn't care less if we had to live in a nebula." she snaps but then swallows and sniffs, her eyes filling with tears. "Three years I haven't seen him and now you've taken him. Where is he? He's all I HAVE." and a tear escapes

Kat Anjar moves away, although she can hear Driss talking. She goes to a console and begins to review some test results.

Poison Toocool looks to Idrissa, "Your brother is on his way here, do not worry... I take it then it wouldn't have been a problem if the Motherland drifted out of the nebula... and was found by a Treman patrol?"

Idrissa.Senghor looks up at her. "He went INTO the nebula to AVIOD Tremans." she tells her. "But even if we had, Souleymane would have protected me. He always has." she has a fierce devotion to her twin.

Poison Toocool nods, "Can you tell me why you were avoiding the Tremans?" She turns to look at the Security Officer at the entrance, nodding to her.

Idrissa.Senghor looks at the woman. "Because they're PIRATES?" she suggests, unable to believe this woman wouldnt know that. Her eyes cut to the security officer. "You think my brother is a pirate too? Well he's NOT."

Poison Toocool: "Whether he is a 'pirate' or not, he was on a vessel known to us as being involved in smuggling illegal materials in this Sector. Perhaps also, from the DNA traces, a ship that has carried sentient beings to the slave markets," her voice tightens, remembering her own kidnapping.

Idrissa.Senghor looks at her. "Are you calling my brother a slaver?" she asks, her voice now very cool.

Souleymane.Senghor stands with his escort, his face impassive.

The security officer steps through the sickbay door, gesturing to him to come with her, pointing to the bio bed and the Fleet Captain.

Poison Toocool turns as the door swiches open, and seeing the two figures as they move in.

Ensign Venice stands back, watching.

Souleymane.Senghor moves in and past the security officer. Beeline to his sister. "Driss." he reaches for her hand, ignoring the Starfleet Captain. "You okay?" he looks her body up and down. Dris nods. "They think you're a slaver," she accuses and looks at the captain, who Souleymane finally notices. "Who are you, anyway?" he demands.

Poison Toocool keeps her eyes on the brother as he moves towards her. As she catches his scent, she is startled. Her eyes search his face. The words said between him and Driss are like a blur. She is transported, in her mind, to that time on the rusty old Klingon station, when, drugged and threatened with rape, she was tied to a biobed... "You..." she mutters, struggling within herself, "I know you..."

Ensign Venice sees the Fleet Captain's reaction and moves forward in alarm.
