House of Healing

Kat Anjar enters Sick Bay after the long Staff Meeting, her whiskers twitching as she glances around the room. All empty except one bed. She moves to the console to check the data.

Idrissa.Senghor lays and sighs, looking bored. But suddenly she smiles and closes her eyes a moment.

Kat Anjar: Ms Senghor *smiles as she walks towards the patient, "could I ask you to come with me please"

Idrissa.Senghor looks at the nurse and nods. "Where are we going?" she asks as she begins to follow.

Kat Anjar: "We just want to do an examination, prior to releasing you," she smiles, speaking gently, "and please do not worry about where you will go, the Fleet Captain left instructions for me."

Idrissa.Senghor suddenly brightens. "Release?" she sighs in something akin to bliss. "Oh that would be wonderful." she clams up then not mentioning that she has no place to go, but anyplace is better than hospital. "Nothing against you but I hate hospitals."

Kat Anjar moves to the examination biobed, and assists the patient to lie down. She is pleased to see the girl seems brighter. Her skin looks smooth, the bruises fading, and her colour seems healthier. "Just lie here for a few moments, I will take your vitals and just do a scan to see that the bones are mended."

Idrissa.Senghor lays still. "Alright ..."

Kat Anjar pats Driss's shoulder with a paw as she gazes at the console above the patient's head. Then she moves to the larger workstation to begin the scan. "Just lie still and relax, it won't be long, and you shouldn't feel anything."

Idrissa.Senghor nods and lays as still as possible, but her eyes take in as much as possible.

Kat Anjar purrs musically as her nails fly over the console. Everything reads as expected. She notes a couple of things she'll need to advise the patient about. She carefully records all the information into the LCARs chart, and ends with the message that the patient is discharged and will be accommodated nearby for another week, as an outpatient.

Idrissa.Senghor smiles very softly. "That is a beautiful sound." she murmurs. "Very soothing."

Kat Anjar looks up, "Do you have any personal items with you here? We can take them with us... if not, anything you need can be replicated or supplied."

Idrissa.Senghor sighs and then shrugs. "I think my twin had some clothes for me, but they are on his ship, so I can't get to them." she murmurs. "So maybe something to wear ....." she suggests.

Kat Anjar moves from the console back to the patient. "We will help with clothes. Would you like to get down now?"
Idrissa.Senghor nods and sits up. "Thank you." she says. "And please .. I apologize for being so difficult when I first got here."

Kat Anjar purrs softly, as she really can't smile without looking grim. "It's okay, you were not in good shape, and very far from home I hear. Now, do you feel up to a little walk outside? I have something to show you."

Idrissa.Senghor nods. "Yes I'd love to get outside."

Kat Anjar nods, "It's lovely out, a bit cool, but nice. Come then," she reaches a paw to power down the biobed and turns to walk toward the sickbay doors, tail swishing.

Idrissa.Senghor follows with a soft smile of anticipation.

Kat Anjar nods to the Cadet as he comes into the room, "Hello Cadet. Did you need something in sickbay? I am just about to take this patient to the new healing house, as she is discharged but needs a little medical supervision for a few days."

Duck Chesnokov: I was just going to do some homework for my exam next week

Idrissa.Senghor stops when the doors open and looks at the new arrival. After taking him in, she closes her eyes a few seconds before opening them again.

Kat Anjar twitches her whiskers with a little thrill of excitement at seeing another Caitian here at Astraios. She hopes her tail is properly brushed! "Acknowledged. If you'd like to see the new residences, you'd be welcome to come with us."

Duck Chesnokov: yes I would like to see them

Kat Anjar: "Follow me, then" she turns and goes through the door and out onto the grounds

Idrissa.Senghor remains silent and follows out the door.

Kat Anjar: "This way, please"

Idrissa.Senghor walks out the door and blinks in the bright sunshine, then follows, still silent.

Kat Anjar: "Are you going into Medical?" Kat asks the cadet as they walk towards the hills.

Duck Chesnokov: yes

Kat Anjar: It's just here, over the bridge, to the right, she clears her throat and points a paw at the house

Idrissa.Senghor smiles and nods. "Thank you so much ... nurse." she’s not sure how to address her

Kat Anjar: "Fleet Captain Toocool left orders for you to have this house for a few days while we... monitor your progress," she turns to the cadet, "this is brand new, close to the hospital for us to be able to visit or the patient to come in for daily checkups"

Kat Anjar: "Please go in"

Idrissa.Senghor smiles nods, takes a close look at the exterior then blinks. "Monitor my progress?" she looks at her. "What's left?" she looks suspicious.

Kat Anjar purrs softly as she crosses the threshold, aware the Cadet is with them she doesn't like to discuss anything too personal. "We want to ensure you keep your fluid levels up, and also the Fleet Captain wished you to have a home while you become ... familiar with the Colony."

Idrissa.Senghor scans the interior of the space, almost like an old, twitchy android. She closes her eyes again. While listening, she nods. "That seems fair enough. And this place IS lovely." she looks at the cadet as if she hadn't noticed him before. "It's very ..... not Starfleet ... she looks around again, nodding to herself.

Kat Anjar points a paw to the replicator, "refreshments here, or you may come to the hospital canteen." She looks to Driss, "this land belongs to the Fleet Captain. She must think... she must wish you to be comfortable, she designed this herself."

Idrissa.Senghor looks at the replicator. "I ..... think I'll .... try the canteen ...." she says slowly. She suddenly blinks again. "It does?" she considers it. "Souleymne must be working his ... um ... charms on her." she decides. "And I thought she didn’t like him."

Kat Anjar nods, "It's meant to be a place for healing, and I understand that FCapt Toocool is a lover of nature. I know she is vegan." nods approvingly, as it seems only right that sentient beings did not use animals in that way, "what do you think, Cadet?"

Duck Chesnokov: we must honor nature

Idrissa.Senghor nods. "My people are descended from ancient African tribes on Earth ... and so there are many meals I make that have no meat ... or aren't hurt by their lack of inclusion." she murmurs and looks at the fireplace. "I will have to make her a thank you dish." she nods to herself again, smiles and closes her eyes, sighing serenely.

Kat Anjar looks quizzically at Driss, "Souleymane... the man who visited you? I would not know," she shakes her head, although she saw the altercation between the two and knows the man was sent to the brig for a time. To Duck: "Yes, we must, especially on these worlds that are alien to us, that we are to protect and nurture. In reply to the girl, "She might like that."

Idrissa.Senghor opens her eyes. "Yes. He's my twin brother." she explains. "I know they didn’t get off on the right foot, but Souleymane is very charming to everyone." she thinks very highly of her brother, although she also knows how he is and half hopes he doesn't irritate anyone into shooting his behind.

Kat Anjar: "The gardens here are vast," she says, not sure what to say about Driss's brother, who appeared rather rude when she saw him in the sickbay the first time. "FCapt Toocool is an avid gardener." She shuffles her feet, looking around, "this is quite lovely, I hope you enjoy your stay," feeling rather like a hotel employee at Risa instead of a civilian nurse at Majel Hospital. Her tail twitches and she hopes she doesn't leave any hairs on the carpets.

Idrissa.Senghor 's head swings around at the nurse at the word gardens. "Oh that will be fine indeed!" she claps her hand, plain and simply cheerful now. "You'll have to come back to check on me. I have you to thank also." she announces. Then looks at the cadet. "You too, just because you are too thin." she’s a cook at heard and is already itching to so exploring ... completely forgetting she is supposed to be healing here.

Kat Anjar nods to her, "I've enjoyed meeting you... please.. now we are outside of the hospital, call me Kat. I'm not an officer or anything, I don't stand on ceremony."

Duck Chesnokov: I am sure you will be seeing a lot more of me now that I have been transfer here

Kat Anjar to the Cadet, "If I can help in your studies, please let me know. I have been through Academy, I just elected to be a civilian... I'd rather stay at home than be deployed on ships."

Duck Chesnokov: I serve for years as CMO on ships for the Caitian defense force

Kat Anjar twitches her whiskers, "That's a lot of experience. I'm sure you'll be valuable here!"

Idrissa.Senghor looks surprised she isn’t an officer. "Kat then. And I am Idrissa or Driss. But you ARE Starfleet, aren't you?" she sighs "Forgive me. I don't have a lot of experience with Starfleet."

Kat Anjar: "I was. I resigned as I wanted to choose where to live and work. FCapt Toocool said she understood. She can be.. very official and commanding but sometimes, like when you see her garden, you know there's another side of her that most in UFS don't know"

Idrissa.Senghor nods. "That’s understandable. My father could be like that." she looks down then and swallows. "I will be sure to check those gardens out," she whispers.

Kat Anjar: "I should get back to my duties now," Kat says reluctantly, "but I can come back to..." she doesn't want to say "check" so..."see if you have everything you need, tomorrow morning."

Idrissa.Senghor smiles and nods. "I would like that. Thank you." she sighs. "I am getting tired. I shouldn’t overwork the first day out."

Duck Chesnokov: it was very nice to meet you and I hope you enjoy your stay here

Idrissa.Senghor nods and smiles at the large cat

Duck Chesnokov: meow

Kat Anjar: "No, you shouldn't" she eyes her patient with a practiced glance, "I would rest now, and please make sure to drink some filtered water. If you need anything at all, contact me at the hospital.

Idrissa.Senghor smiles and nods, showing them the door before resting

Kat Anjar looks to the Cadet, "nice to meet you Cadet, take care and see you soon," she moves to exit the house.
