Arson fills MCH

"What is your suspect's status?"  Tamor Seirots, Chief Superintendent of the APF met the Detective's gaze.

"The Gati have said they will hold her until we extradite, charge, convict, or whatever.  They aren't concerned about letting her go, Chief."  Evan Torg answered his boss's question.

"And, the Starfleet position?"  Evan watched flare in the Chief's nostril.

Detective Torg shifted uncomfortably in his chair, "I really don't know Chief.  The Ensign filed his report when we exited the nebula, and he apparently went on leave after we landed.  I have not seen him, nor have I been contacted by his replacement or superiors.  I waited a day, then I filed my report and contacted Astra legal."   He knew his suspect had been hiding something, but he couldn't figure out how to get her off of Gati and back to some place modern enough to question her using the lie detector from a computer.  He let Astra legal handle the details of the extradition.  It would be messy and time consuming - perfect for Evan to undertake another less stressful case.  "So what else do you have for me, Chief?"

"I want you to lead the investigation of the Beryl arson."

He reached for the pad from the Chief Superintendent.  "Arson eh?" So that was the next case.'  He had wanted to get something else after having stalled on the Murder investigation.  "Thanks Chief."

However, a quick look at the case file dispelled any belief in an easier case.  The Arson involved at least twenty deaths.  The fire investigators had found multiple points of ignition.  Given the way the flames spread, the fire had caught the victims so quickly that they had no chance of escape.  Even though there had been no mention of murder in the case file, the deaths almost certainly suggested a murder investigation.  Detective Torg glanced at the chief checking to see if there was anything else then departed to begin studying the case.

The Village of Beryl had been burned to the ground, killing twenty and injuring dozens more.  According to one point in the report, temperatures nearing the solar surface had been detected during the blaze.  The reports called it a firestorm.  There had been also reports of rumours of Treman involvement.

Evan picked up the data card and began looking at the fire investigation report - following the fire as it engulfed the village.  Block by block it jumped from building to building.  After reaching a critical size, the firestorm started.  The heat of the blaze created its own weather and the firestorm started. Within a few minutes, the fire had destroyed the village.

The detective realized that he could go to the scene, but there would be little to see.  However, he opted to head to the hospital to inquire about some of the injured.  Chances were that anyone who wasn't seriously injured had been discharged, and anyone that was still in the hospital wouldn't be able to answer questions.  After a short ride, he arrived at the hospital.

Kat Anjar brushes a weary paw over her whiskers, wondering when she might get a break. The number of blackened humanoids had now faded to a trickle. Most were either in sickbay, in intensive care, or in the makeshift fire ward they had set up in the shuttle bay. All had been washed of soot, and fed, and had their needs cared for, by the army of medical personnel who had been immediately assigned to assist with the disaster. Even still the last hours and days had been exhausting. She had a million reports to write. Thank the goodness they had computers and PADDs and everything was recorded. She had not even had time to visit the site of the fire, but she understood from everyone she had spoken to that the village had been burned to the ground in an unholy conflagration that leveled all the buildings in a matter of hours, burning so hot that no technology could put it out. Starfleet had scrambled to save its Academy and Banquet Hall, both just a few meters from the outskirts of Beryl Village.

She mewed softly as she updated the computer records of the last patients she had seen on her rounds. She had been assigned to sick bay, thankfully. They had placed extra biobeds in the room, but she managed to get through them all each shift with the help of a junior nurse.

The doctors she had seen were exhausted. But now things were calming down, most had time for a shower, soup and sleep. She had snuck a little catnap in the middle of this shift, trusting the alarms on the biobeds or the swish of the door to the hospital lobby to wake her. She felt mildly guilty about it but no harm had been done. Now she continued to work on her reports, hoping to be relieved soon, and get out of the hospital for a walk, some fresh air, and a quick transport to her quarters for a longer nap. She took her PADD, nodded to the junior nurse, gesturing to the offices across the way, and left the room, soft snores behind her as the doors closed again.

APF procedure and starfleet security procedures seldom matched well.  Detective Evan Torg knew as APF that he could wander as he wished through the hospital.  However, given the nature of the arson, he opted to check in with the hospital starfleet liaison before doing anything else.  The clerk had been surprisingly pleasant and helped Evan collect necessary information to keep starfleet happy.  After the process, Evan went to the hospital administrator's office.  A holographic assistant asked him to wait in a nearby hallway.

Grumbling, Evan complied.  He took a seat.  He pulled out his PADD and reviewed the case material, but could not keep his attention on the documents.  After a moment, he saw a Caitian nurse gracefully exit an office and head down the hallway.  After an instant, he recognised Kat Anjar, a nurse friend of his.
"Kat,"  he said.  "Its good to see you.  I see that you are working the relief effort for the fire."  He explained his reasoning for being at the hospital.  He had hoped to interview one of the patients who was not in serious condition.  But, he added, "If you happened to have heard anything from the witnesses, it would help my investigation."

Kat finished her report for the OiC in charge of the hospital, read it over twice with tired eyes, and then dropped a PADD on his desk for whenever he returned from either duty or rest. She stepped into the hallway, planning to check in one more time on the junior nurse before finding her own quarters.  The hospital was very quiet after all the stress and noise of so many patients coming at the same time. She actually jumped when someone called her name.

“Evan,” she said quietly, raising a paw to greet him, moving towards him so they could keep their voices down. She listened carefully to his explanation. “I just completed a full report on all the patients who came through triage, for the OiC of the MCH. Some went upstairs to intensive care, some are here in sickbay, and others were sent home… not home, but to shelters or to relatives.  I’m afraid my report is confidential to the Colony Chief Medical, in terms of patient names, conditions, and what have you. I can tell you we have twenty one casualties and several more who are in critical condition because of burns, smoke inhalation, one heart attack and one stroke.” She rattles off the numbers from memory, brushing a whisker from her lips with a tired paw. “If you wish to interview a patient or two we need to clear that with the OiC and possibly any relatives as well. However, I can tell you the names of the shelters where some of the released patients have gone.” She turns and looks out the window with a sigh. “The thing I heard the most from those who could speak, was how fast the fire came, how little time there was to get out, and, an overwhelming sense of grief for those lost, including pets, and treasures of the family, gone forever,” her little Kat voice is small. “How could such a terrible thing happen?” She looks at him with her sad cat eyes.

Evan listened intently to her explanation.  The report's confidentiality did not surprise him, but knowing it existed at least allowed him to ask for it when the time was right.  He also didn't expect to interview any patients without approval, but knowing that some had been released to the shelters gave him a next destination.

He reached and touched his own hand to her paw in a very slight gesture of reassurance as he saw the sadness creep over her eyes.  At the last moment, he pulled his hand away, worried that he had crossed a boundary.  He had known Kat for a while, and he never recalled her being so sad.

"I'll figure it out and catch those responsible," he answered with the hopefulness of reassurance.  "You probably need to go get some rest.  Forgive me for keeping you from it.  Could you answer one last question, to help me with a hunch?  Did any of the burns stand out as though they had another source besides the fire?  I am thinking about maybe phasor or disrupter." He watched the expressions play over her face when she answered.

Kat accepts his gesture of compassion willingly, suggesting that they sit together on one of the benches provided in the hallway. Sitting, she turns to him and says, “I am not usually so saddened by events, but the number of people hurt is overwhelming, and it’s very hard to see families with children displaced, as well as the elders. And,” her voice chokes slightly, “all the pets, the domesticated animals that were lost. That makes me very sad. There is a lovely Astra feline called felis wehrlite, a family in the village that I knew had a female with kittens. A lovely creature, I was so happy to visit her and play with the children. The family is alright, but, they cannot find her or her little ones. Lost in the fire.” She sighs. “I did not see any burns that I attributed to anything other than the fire, but then, I was not looking for any other reason. I can’t really answer that question,” she looks at him puzzled, “Do you think people were also attacked with weapons?  No one reported hearing or seeing anything other than the fire, as far as I know. But there was a huge commotion.”

He listened to her, nodding in understanding.  He could feel her sadness and felt his own.  On mention of the kittens, he frowned, concerned about their well being - all the while fighting the knowledge that the likely outcome would be disheartening.  His emotions played as he recalled the kittens that he had called pets and friends over his lifetime.

As she recalled the burns of the victims, he realized that there was nothing obvious.  Likely, to all eyes, a burn was a burn.  Once the temperatures were high enough, flesh would blister or scorch in the same way.  "I was looking for a way for the fire to have gotten extremely hot immediately.  The weapons seems like a possible source of ignition."  He thought again and added, "I might be too suspicious by nature and am always seeing the worst possible reason for things.  I am sorry to bring it up."

"If you would like, I can walk with you a while after your shift.  Perhaps we can get a beverage.  I am on my way over to the shelters and look for a possible interview from survivors.  Before we, go I'll need to put in my request with the OiC."  He hoped that his company would help cure her incredible sadness.


Kat scan

Souleymane Senghor came up from the cellar bathroom, showered, shaved and dressed for the day. He double checks on Fukujuso, who is finishing up her brunch; breakfast time being long gone and needing energy for more play. She asks him if he'll come with her, but he begs off, as hes got his own work to do and with Driss gone, it's a good time for some quiet work. But he insists Aki go with her … bit of a no-brainer as the puppy and the girl are inseparable now.

Once he sees them out of Driss's small abode, he sits at the the dining table, his PADD in hand. He sends off a few messages, many in regards to unloading some of the Treman coffee that he dares not try and sell on Astraios in light of the rising tensions involving the now blockaded planet. But also he sends some more inquiries about properties he has viewed. It feels to him as if he is spending money hand over fist when he should be saving. But he has a vehicle now and once he buys a house and perhaps buys or rents a warehouse for the new legitimate import/export enterprise, he can stop spending money and get to earning it for his new family.

Kat Anjar walks towards the Senghor abode. It’s very nice to be out and about after the elongated duty shifts of the past few days. This follow-up exam should have been done at least a week ago, but got put aside for one reason or another, and then pushed to the back of the pile of things to do when the village burned to the ground.  Always thorough, Kat had checked all the records she could find with regard to Mr Souleymane Senghor. It was not for her to judge, but it appeared he was rather reckless. In her training and experience, humans seemed to like to tempt fate by doing all manner of dangerous and unnecessary things. Naturally curious, she could understand if they got into trouble when exploring new things. But why they liked to fling themselves from high buildings with just a rope around their ankles, or jump from a flying vessel with just a silk balloon to hold them up, or dive to the depths of the ocean where they could die for lack of oxygen or when decompression sickness could incapacitate them if they rose too quickly… well, the list of stupid things humans did to test their limits would take a number of gigabytes on the hospital computer to record. Her ears flick as she walks along. The spring sun is warm and she finds herself humming… purring… for the first time in days. She arrives at what she thinks is the correct house, checks her PADD once again to be sure, then knocks politely at the door.

Souleymane hears the knock and stands.  Her hadn’t been looking out of the windows, so he’d not seen anyone approaching.  Moving to the door he opens it and sees … a Caitian? He seems to remember one around when Driss was in the hospital.  She is holding a PADD, which gets his attention.  Some kind of official visit.

“My sister isn’t home.”  he tells her.  “And my daughter is off playing somewhere.  So if you want Idrissa, try The Cafe.  If you want Fukujuso, try the pond, but watch out for the dog.  She won’t bite but she might love you to death.”  he stops speaking, expecting her to turn and head off to find one of the girls.

Kat opens her mouth to say hello but is forestalled by the man’s listing of other people’s names and locations. She sniffed, glad to hear the dog was not nearby. They often barked at her, even growled, which made things unpleasant. She blinked for a moment, focussing her eyes on the figure in the doorway. “I am looking for Mr Souleymane Senghor,” she said politely, knowing it was him all the same, as he had been brought from the brig to visit a patient of hers some weeks back. “For a follow-up medical visit.  I could have contacted you and asked you to come or transport to the MCH, but we like to keep things relaxed, and I often do home visits. I looked after your sister, Idrissa, when she was in the House of Healing on Fleet Captain Toocool’s property…” her voice trailed off at this point, and the expression on her wee cat face changed slightly, as she realized this was the man she had heard about. The Fleet Captain’s… paramour. She blinked again.

He arches his eyebrows when she says she is looking for him and a wants to do follow-up medical exam.  Then she mentions his sister and then …  Poison’s land that Driss had taken over as part of her own brand of therapy.  And her face changes, which only confirms to him what he figured would happen.  The rumor mill was a finely oiled machine in Starfleet.  “I see you figured out who I am.”  his voice rumbles.  “And I feel fine so ….”  he catches himself a nanosecond before he dismissed the kit and slammed the door in her face so he could get back to worrying about money like a normal being.  He blows out a breath. “You want to come in and examine me, don’t you?”  it was more statement than question.  “Fine … come in, give me my clean bill of health and whatever.”  he pulls off his shirt and moves in enough for her to come inside.  “I had a sprained ankle and hip, four cracked ribs, three broken ones, plus a dislocated shoulder that I popped back in wrong, so a friend of mine REdislocated it and popped it in right.  I got an infection, but that got sorted out.”  he explains as he moves further in and stands beside the table he was about to work at.  He doesn’t explain what are obviously fresher wounds, to include a bite mark and a few scratches that can’t be more than a couple of days old.  “Do you need me to drop my pants to look at my hip?”  his voice is dry, a bit sarcastic, but not a bit shy or embarrassed at being half naked in front of a young Caitian … or anyone else.  He doesn’t like doctors, and doesn’t trust Starleet.  Only Poison … well and maybe that guy sniffing after his twin.  And for Po, he knows he should be polite for the sake of their relationship, so he adjusts his tone.  “Can I get you some coffee?  Tea? Um … milk?”  he offers, in obvious afterthought.

Kat follows him with her slitted cat eyes, observing his behaviour without appearance of judgement. Her training in objectively and psychology as well as her own cat nature led to her calm demeanor, and her patience. She had found most humans disliked silence and, if permitted, would fill the air with the sound of their voice nattering away about inconsequential things while ignoring the most pressing issue of their health as though it would just go away. She did not need to refer to her PADD as he listed his injuries, she had read the reports provided by Idrissa Senghor and Hars Darax with reference to Souleymane’s current condition, and she had also searched out and read past reports available to Starfleet, including several visits to the sickbay on DS9 for personal injuries obtained during, the attending doctor had noted in a wry tone, mating. In the dim light as Souley steps back to allow her to enter, she sees scratches on his chest and back as he moves, mottled areas on his skin, and what appears to be a bite mark on a shoulder. Perhaps he still had the same lover then. However the broken bones and dislocated shoulder he was reporting to her had been, so he claimed, obtained on Treman while he was there trading for goods. The last civilian to leave there alive, she imagined. In answer to his questions: “If you could just sit down, I will use my medical tricorder to assess the progress of your healing.  I also have a dermal regenerator for those scratches, I advise permitting that, for you do not want to risk infection. I require no beverages at this time, but thank you for offering them, very kind.” She puts her med kit on the table and waits for him to sit down.

Souleymane sat down and watched the Caitian doctor or nurse.  “Scan away.”  he encourages her.  “And the dermal regenerator would be much appreciated.  I’ve been disinfecting it with some of the local herbs.  Should be pretty clean.”  he watches her.  “Now, I remember you from when my sister was in your hospital.”  he says as she scans.  “But I didn’t get your name then, and I think it is just polite to give it to me now.”  he never got it.  Not then and not now.  All business, this one.  Both a blessing and a curse.

Kat begins her work, scanning him first with the medical tricorder, noting the state of the broken bones and spending some time to get a clear picture of the dislocated shoulder. Then she picks up the regenerator, carefully working her way around him, until his damaged skin is clean and normal again. She examines the bite mark on his shoulder. It appears to be from a humanoid, but she had noted some of the scratches were shaped in a way that suggested they were from an animal rather than a humanoid hand. The dog he mentioned, perhaps. Obviously untrained. She flicks her ears back in mute disapproval as she works to ensure the beam is correctly aimed. The bite mark slowly disappears. Her paws touching him as she worked have been gentle. Her voice is soft as she says, “You should feel better now.” She moves to her med kit and replaces the devices, and then sits down in a chair near him. “I am sure you dislike hospitals, many do. However, I would strongly urge you to come in soon. We would then be able to use the osteogenic stimulator to assist those broken bones to heal. It would be much advised to take care of these injuries properly so that you do not lose any range of motion in that arm, and so your breath is not impeded by continued pain in the ribcage.” She looks him over again, still assessing, and adds, “I would advise against any lifting or carrying for at least another three weeks without the stimulator. It’s important those ribs are kept in place so they heal correctly.”  She reaches to close the medkit with a snap, “If you would like to make an appointment I could be the one to do the treatment, so you don’t have to deal with someone you don’t know.” She rises then, to her short height, not much taller than the seated man, and waits for his reply.

Souleymane watches as she examines him and then suggests he come in ….. and limit his activities.  He already knows that mentioning it to Po will result in an argument … one his lover will win .. it’s something that aggravates him, as not even Kattel could convince him to so the things Po has.  So he may as well cave …. partially.  “I can’t limit my activities and still feed my family.”  he insists.  “And in any event …  I can’t come in to ask for you if I don’t know your name ….”  he protests.

Kat tilts her head, “My name is Kat Anjar, Nurse Practitioner, Majel Community Hospital. If you do not wish to limit your activities then I suggest you come in tomorrow for the treatment. Shall we say oh-eight-thirty?” She moves to the door, her paws a slight pitter patter on the uncarpeted floor. She is tempted to advise he open the windows and doors to clear the air of dog smell, but quashes that unprofessional thought.  She reaches for the door handle, turning it with just a little difficulty as her paws are not quite made to turn a knob the way a human hand would. Then she turns to look at him, silhouetted by the sun, and adds, “Best train that dog of yours not to jump on people. It could be dangerous.” She nods at the now invisible scratches on his chest and moves away.

Souleymane sighs.  “I’ll think about it.”  is all he will promise her.  He watches her on her way out the door and opens his mouth to tell her the scratches were from a wolf, not a dog, but thinks better of it.  That is not exactly a discussion he wants to have with her.


House of Healing

Kat Anjar enters Sick Bay after the long Staff Meeting, her whiskers twitching as she glances around the room. All empty except one bed. She moves to the console to check the data.

Idrissa.Senghor lays and sighs, looking bored. But suddenly she smiles and closes her eyes a moment.

Kat Anjar: Ms Senghor *smiles as she walks towards the patient, "could I ask you to come with me please"

Idrissa.Senghor looks at the nurse and nods. "Where are we going?" she asks as she begins to follow.

Kat Anjar: "We just want to do an examination, prior to releasing you," she smiles, speaking gently, "and please do not worry about where you will go, the Fleet Captain left instructions for me."

Idrissa.Senghor suddenly brightens. "Release?" she sighs in something akin to bliss. "Oh that would be wonderful." she clams up then not mentioning that she has no place to go, but anyplace is better than hospital. "Nothing against you but I hate hospitals."

Kat Anjar moves to the examination biobed, and assists the patient to lie down. She is pleased to see the girl seems brighter. Her skin looks smooth, the bruises fading, and her colour seems healthier. "Just lie here for a few moments, I will take your vitals and just do a scan to see that the bones are mended."

Idrissa.Senghor lays still. "Alright ..."

Kat Anjar pats Driss's shoulder with a paw as she gazes at the console above the patient's head. Then she moves to the larger workstation to begin the scan. "Just lie still and relax, it won't be long, and you shouldn't feel anything."

Idrissa.Senghor nods and lays as still as possible, but her eyes take in as much as possible.

Kat Anjar purrs musically as her nails fly over the console. Everything reads as expected. She notes a couple of things she'll need to advise the patient about. She carefully records all the information into the LCARs chart, and ends with the message that the patient is discharged and will be accommodated nearby for another week, as an outpatient.

Idrissa.Senghor smiles very softly. "That is a beautiful sound." she murmurs. "Very soothing."

Kat Anjar looks up, "Do you have any personal items with you here? We can take them with us... if not, anything you need can be replicated or supplied."

Idrissa.Senghor sighs and then shrugs. "I think my twin had some clothes for me, but they are on his ship, so I can't get to them." she murmurs. "So maybe something to wear ....." she suggests.

Kat Anjar moves from the console back to the patient. "We will help with clothes. Would you like to get down now?"
Idrissa.Senghor nods and sits up. "Thank you." she says. "And please .. I apologize for being so difficult when I first got here."

Kat Anjar purrs softly, as she really can't smile without looking grim. "It's okay, you were not in good shape, and very far from home I hear. Now, do you feel up to a little walk outside? I have something to show you."

Idrissa.Senghor nods. "Yes I'd love to get outside."

Kat Anjar nods, "It's lovely out, a bit cool, but nice. Come then," she reaches a paw to power down the biobed and turns to walk toward the sickbay doors, tail swishing.

Idrissa.Senghor follows with a soft smile of anticipation.

Kat Anjar nods to the Cadet as he comes into the room, "Hello Cadet. Did you need something in sickbay? I am just about to take this patient to the new healing house, as she is discharged but needs a little medical supervision for a few days."

Duck Chesnokov: I was just going to do some homework for my exam next week

Idrissa.Senghor stops when the doors open and looks at the new arrival. After taking him in, she closes her eyes a few seconds before opening them again.

Kat Anjar twitches her whiskers with a little thrill of excitement at seeing another Caitian here at Astraios. She hopes her tail is properly brushed! "Acknowledged. If you'd like to see the new residences, you'd be welcome to come with us."

Duck Chesnokov: yes I would like to see them

Kat Anjar: "Follow me, then" she turns and goes through the door and out onto the grounds

Idrissa.Senghor remains silent and follows out the door.

Kat Anjar: "This way, please"

Idrissa.Senghor walks out the door and blinks in the bright sunshine, then follows, still silent.

Kat Anjar: "Are you going into Medical?" Kat asks the cadet as they walk towards the hills.

Duck Chesnokov: yes

Kat Anjar: It's just here, over the bridge, to the right, she clears her throat and points a paw at the house

Idrissa.Senghor smiles and nods. "Thank you so much ... nurse." she’s not sure how to address her

Kat Anjar: "Fleet Captain Toocool left orders for you to have this house for a few days while we... monitor your progress," she turns to the cadet, "this is brand new, close to the hospital for us to be able to visit or the patient to come in for daily checkups"

Kat Anjar: "Please go in"

Idrissa.Senghor smiles nods, takes a close look at the exterior then blinks. "Monitor my progress?" she looks at her. "What's left?" she looks suspicious.

Kat Anjar purrs softly as she crosses the threshold, aware the Cadet is with them she doesn't like to discuss anything too personal. "We want to ensure you keep your fluid levels up, and also the Fleet Captain wished you to have a home while you become ... familiar with the Colony."

Idrissa.Senghor scans the interior of the space, almost like an old, twitchy android. She closes her eyes again. While listening, she nods. "That seems fair enough. And this place IS lovely." she looks at the cadet as if she hadn't noticed him before. "It's very ..... not Starfleet ... she looks around again, nodding to herself.

Kat Anjar points a paw to the replicator, "refreshments here, or you may come to the hospital canteen." She looks to Driss, "this land belongs to the Fleet Captain. She must think... she must wish you to be comfortable, she designed this herself."

Idrissa.Senghor looks at the replicator. "I ..... think I'll .... try the canteen ...." she says slowly. She suddenly blinks again. "It does?" she considers it. "Souleymne must be working his ... um ... charms on her." she decides. "And I thought she didn’t like him."

Kat Anjar nods, "It's meant to be a place for healing, and I understand that FCapt Toocool is a lover of nature. I know she is vegan." nods approvingly, as it seems only right that sentient beings did not use animals in that way, "what do you think, Cadet?"

Duck Chesnokov: we must honor nature

Idrissa.Senghor nods. "My people are descended from ancient African tribes on Earth ... and so there are many meals I make that have no meat ... or aren't hurt by their lack of inclusion." she murmurs and looks at the fireplace. "I will have to make her a thank you dish." she nods to herself again, smiles and closes her eyes, sighing serenely.

Kat Anjar looks quizzically at Driss, "Souleymane... the man who visited you? I would not know," she shakes her head, although she saw the altercation between the two and knows the man was sent to the brig for a time. To Duck: "Yes, we must, especially on these worlds that are alien to us, that we are to protect and nurture. In reply to the girl, "She might like that."

Idrissa.Senghor opens her eyes. "Yes. He's my twin brother." she explains. "I know they didn’t get off on the right foot, but Souleymane is very charming to everyone." she thinks very highly of her brother, although she also knows how he is and half hopes he doesn't irritate anyone into shooting his behind.

Kat Anjar: "The gardens here are vast," she says, not sure what to say about Driss's brother, who appeared rather rude when she saw him in the sickbay the first time. "FCapt Toocool is an avid gardener." She shuffles her feet, looking around, "this is quite lovely, I hope you enjoy your stay," feeling rather like a hotel employee at Risa instead of a civilian nurse at Majel Hospital. Her tail twitches and she hopes she doesn't leave any hairs on the carpets.

Idrissa.Senghor 's head swings around at the nurse at the word gardens. "Oh that will be fine indeed!" she claps her hand, plain and simply cheerful now. "You'll have to come back to check on me. I have you to thank also." she announces. Then looks at the cadet. "You too, just because you are too thin." she’s a cook at heard and is already itching to so exploring ... completely forgetting she is supposed to be healing here.

Kat Anjar nods to her, "I've enjoyed meeting you... please.. now we are outside of the hospital, call me Kat. I'm not an officer or anything, I don't stand on ceremony."

Duck Chesnokov: I am sure you will be seeing a lot more of me now that I have been transfer here

Kat Anjar to the Cadet, "If I can help in your studies, please let me know. I have been through Academy, I just elected to be a civilian... I'd rather stay at home than be deployed on ships."

Duck Chesnokov: I serve for years as CMO on ships for the Caitian defense force

Kat Anjar twitches her whiskers, "That's a lot of experience. I'm sure you'll be valuable here!"

Idrissa.Senghor looks surprised she isn’t an officer. "Kat then. And I am Idrissa or Driss. But you ARE Starfleet, aren't you?" she sighs "Forgive me. I don't have a lot of experience with Starfleet."

Kat Anjar: "I was. I resigned as I wanted to choose where to live and work. FCapt Toocool said she understood. She can be.. very official and commanding but sometimes, like when you see her garden, you know there's another side of her that most in UFS don't know"

Idrissa.Senghor nods. "That’s understandable. My father could be like that." she looks down then and swallows. "I will be sure to check those gardens out," she whispers.

Kat Anjar: "I should get back to my duties now," Kat says reluctantly, "but I can come back to..." she doesn't want to say "check" so..."see if you have everything you need, tomorrow morning."

Idrissa.Senghor smiles and nods. "I would like that. Thank you." she sighs. "I am getting tired. I shouldn’t overwork the first day out."

Duck Chesnokov: it was very nice to meet you and I hope you enjoy your stay here

Idrissa.Senghor nods and smiles at the large cat

Duck Chesnokov: meow

Kat Anjar: "No, you shouldn't" she eyes her patient with a practiced glance, "I would rest now, and please make sure to drink some filtered water. If you need anything at all, contact me at the hospital.

Idrissa.Senghor smiles and nods, showing them the door before resting

Kat Anjar looks to the Cadet, "nice to meet you Cadet, take care and see you soon," she moves to exit the house.


Post coccydynia surgery

 Kat Anjar enters sick bay for her shift, checking the roster of patients, and notes that Ms Senghor has been transferred from surgery.

Idrissa.Senghor lays, simply looking around. Cautious.

Kat Anjar approaches the biobed, smiling gently, putting her PADD down on the end of the bed, and stepping over to take a look at the patient's vitals. "Hello," she says softly, "how are you feeling?"

Idrissa.Senghor looks around and then up at the nurse. She sounds extremly nervous. "I ... I'm .... okay I guess." she begins. "When can I see my brother?" she wonders right out of the box. "Where is he?"

Kat Anjar looks down, reaching a paw to stroke the patient's shoulder for a moment, "I'm not sure about your brother, I can check for you. What is his name?"

Idrissa.Senghor watches the paw touch her and then returns her gaze to the nurse. "Souleymane Senghor. He may have been ... detained." she looks towards the door hoping maybe he is going to come through it.

Kat Anjar: "After I finish here, I'll check the records and see what I can find out for you." Her movements are professional and swift as she checks the various readings. Her eyes are serious though.

Idrissa.Senghor nods. "Alright ..." she begins to look around her at the place and lays back. "I'm in a Starfleet sickbay." she say, as if unable to believe it.

Kat Anjar: "You are in the Majel Community Hospital. It is part of the Starfleet Colony here on Astraios. But we treat many civilians here as part of our mission." She looks down at the patient, "Are you in any pain?"

Idrissa.Senghor listens and nods. "Not too much pain." she says and its unclear if she's lying or not. "When can I go find my brother." she asks, not terribly worried about herself.

Kat Anjar nods, noting the patient's temperature is still a bit high. "Ms Senghor... Idrissa," her voice is calm and hopefully soothing, "your condition is stable but you are not out of the woods yet. It would be better for you to rest and allow us to treat you so that you recover fully." She lowers her voice so noone else can hear, "We have repaired any broken bones, but there was quite a bit of damage to the.. base of the spine. I don't recommend much movement for the next 24 hours. We need the spine to stabilize or surgery will be required." She did not mention that the area seemed to have been traumatized more than once, without treatment. Even all their technology can't fit a puzzle back together if the pieces don't fit. They could replicate a spine now... but Kat always feels its best to allow the body to heal itself without that kind of intervention, unless there's no other choice. "Best rest," she says, "allow your body to heal, I will find your brother for you."

Idrissa.Senghor listens to her. "Well .... If you can find him. He's all I have." she explained an lay back a bit. "I'll heal better if I know he's alright." she looks around again. "I've never had Starfleet treatment before. I hear its fast. SO ... I'll try and be patient...."

Kat Anjar prepares a hypospray with a small amount of painkiller. "I'm going to give you this to help with the pain. It should relax you a little, and you might feel a bit sleepy, but you don't have to sleep now if you'd rather not." She places the hypo on Driss's neck and presses it.

Idrissa.Senghor cringes slightly away from the hypo but allows it. Her eyes narrow a bit and she nods. "Much better." she smiles, but it seems a little .... insincere.

Poison Toocool enters the hospital, nodding to the security officer at the entrance.

Kat Anjar smiles... lips pulling away from sharp little teeth. She pats Idrissa's shoulder with her paw, and steps away to go and look up the patient's brother on her console.

Idrissa.Senghor lays and watches the bushy tail move away, she takes a deep breath and makes herself look relaxed.

Kat Anjar hears the door swish and turns to see who it is. Her eyebrows raise and she turns away from the screen, moving swiftly to greet the person who has entered. Despite herself, she feels a bit nervous. "ah... Fleet Captain, good morning Sir."

Poison Toocool enters sickbay briskly. She glances to the nurse, eyeing her uniform with a practiced eye, then allows her eyes to wander about the room. She notes the patient at the back. The room seems tidy and the air is fresh. "Report, please" she says to the nurse, "it's Anjar, isn't it?"

Idrissa.Senghor glances over as the door opens and yet another Starfleet walks in. She wonders what her brother could have been thinking. She moves her eyes to the ceiling, concentrating on it for a bit. She would never DREAM of eavesdropping. Never. Not her. No way. No how. The Starfleets make such a fascinating ceiling ... how could she not be fascinated with it?

Kat Anjar twitches her whiskers in surprise. The Colony Commander knows her name? "Wo... I mean, yes Ma'am... Sir. Kat Anjar." She turns to look behind her, hoping her tail is brushed out and that none of her hairs are on the carpet. "Did you wish to see the patien..."

Poison Toocool: "Report please on the condition of Ms Senghor. I understand she was moved down here today." Her voice is melodic, yet she speaks with the air of command.

Idrissa.Senghor 's are still on the ceiling. The blues so stark. But you better believe she heard her name. No ... she didn't ... its the being zoned out on drugs. Yes We'll go with that, eh.

Kat Anjar nods, "Yes Sir, she was..." her voice falls a little, "she had multiple traumas Sir. Some recent, some from... data shows her life has been difficult. She is stable now Sir, but not out of the woods. We need to rehydrate her, and we had to do extensive surgery to the coccydynia"

Poison Toocool nods to the nurse, "Thank you. May I see her, please?"

Idrissa.Senghor turns her head away from the people at the door, refocusing her attention on .... anything .... nothing ...

Kat Anjar nods several times, feeling stupid, "yes Ma... Sir, this way please," she walks towards the bio bed, going beyond it, taking a position on the far side, snapping to attention then forcing herself to breath and go to 'at ease'

Poison Toocool approaches the biobed, allowing her senses to open, her energy to glow... "Ms Senghor? May we speak for a moment, if you feel up to it..."

Idrissa.Senghor arches her brows when the ..nurse ... walks into her field of view and snaps to attention then relax. She turns then tot he woman in the re shirt. A captain she thinks but isnt completely sure. "That depends on who you are." her voice is tinged with suspicion but not hostile.

Kat Anjar is surprised to hear Toocool's voice change from 'take charge' to something more... velvet and smooth as she speaks to the patient.

Poison Toocool: "My name is Poison Toocool," she says, approaching the bed and looking down at the girl. "I am Colony Commander here. I have reports on the ship you were on, and the gentleman you were with... Souleymane. I wondered if you could tell me how you came to be on that ship with him?"

Idrissa.Senghor looks at her. Interesting name. She begins to sit up as she hears Souleymane's name. "Where is he?" she demands. "He's my twin brother. He rescued me from the Atlas. Where IS he?" now she's getting agitated and, despite what the nurse told her, trying to get up.

Kat Anjar looks at the patient with alarm, and moves towards her, putting a paw on her shoulder, "tsk tsk, lay back, I am sure everything will be alright"

Poison Toocool: "He rescued you from the Atlas? what is that."

Idrissa.Senghor only fights slightly. She hisses in the pain she can't hide with her movements and lays back. With an exasperated sigh, she looks at the dark haired woman. "The Atlas is a civilian ship that was hijacked on its way from Earth to DS9." she explains. "They took everyone on board and my brother rescued me." she bites her lip. "We were hiding in a nebula when one of your ships found us." the way she says your makes it seems shes torn between gratitude and annoyance.

Kat Anjar shuffles nervously, wondering if she should stay where she is or go. She was divided. Curious about the girl, nervous she'd make a fool of herself in front of the most senior officer on the base. Her whickers twitched.

Poison Toocool: "It's a good thing we did find you," Toocool says firmly. "Our data shows the warp coil in the Motherland was degrading. If we hadn't come along, you would have been stuck there indefinitely."

Poison Toocool looks to the nurse, "Please go about your duties. Thank you for your report."

Idrissa.Senghor looks at the officer. "As long as I was with my brother, I couldn't care less if we had to live in a nebula." she snaps but then swallows and sniffs, her eyes filling with tears. "Three years I haven't seen him and now you've taken him. Where is he? He's all I HAVE." and a tear escapes

Kat Anjar moves away, although she can hear Driss talking. She goes to a console and begins to review some test results.

Poison Toocool looks to Idrissa, "Your brother is on his way here, do not worry... I take it then it wouldn't have been a problem if the Motherland drifted out of the nebula... and was found by a Treman patrol?"

Idrissa.Senghor looks up at her. "He went INTO the nebula to AVIOD Tremans." she tells her. "But even if we had, Souleymane would have protected me. He always has." she has a fierce devotion to her twin.

Poison Toocool nods, "Can you tell me why you were avoiding the Tremans?" She turns to look at the Security Officer at the entrance, nodding to her.

Idrissa.Senghor looks at the woman. "Because they're PIRATES?" she suggests, unable to believe this woman wouldnt know that. Her eyes cut to the security officer. "You think my brother is a pirate too? Well he's NOT."

Poison Toocool: "Whether he is a 'pirate' or not, he was on a vessel known to us as being involved in smuggling illegal materials in this Sector. Perhaps also, from the DNA traces, a ship that has carried sentient beings to the slave markets," her voice tightens, remembering her own kidnapping.

Idrissa.Senghor looks at her. "Are you calling my brother a slaver?" she asks, her voice now very cool.

Souleymane.Senghor stands with his escort, his face impassive.

The security officer steps through the sickbay door, gesturing to him to come with her, pointing to the bio bed and the Fleet Captain.

Poison Toocool turns as the door swiches open, and seeing the two figures as they move in.

Ensign Venice stands back, watching.

Souleymane.Senghor moves in and past the security officer. Beeline to his sister. "Driss." he reaches for her hand, ignoring the Starfleet Captain. "You okay?" he looks her body up and down. Dris nods. "They think you're a slaver," she accuses and looks at the captain, who Souleymane finally notices. "Who are you, anyway?" he demands.

Poison Toocool keeps her eyes on the brother as he moves towards her. As she catches his scent, she is startled. Her eyes search his face. The words said between him and Driss are like a blur. She is transported, in her mind, to that time on the rusty old Klingon station, when, drugged and threatened with rape, she was tied to a biobed... "You..." she mutters, struggling within herself, "I know you..."

Ensign Venice sees the Fleet Captain's reaction and moves forward in alarm.
