Kat & the Chameloid

Kat Anjar walks out of the Hospital. She is essentially still off work because of injuries sustained in the explosion that occurred here. There were reports that the incident was the result of a bomb placed by the same person who had sabotaged SS Astraios, the USS Argonaut had given chase to a stolen shuttle that was unfortunately destroyed just outside the Takaar Nebula. Where it was going no one could say. Some said Treman, some said Takaar, some said perhaps it was The Apeiros making hay as the sun shines. They at least had sabotaged the USS Prophetic while it was just a hull at the shipyards. And then there was the Beryl Fire, no word on what had caused that but now nearly 50 people had been killed in the three incidents, and there where many more injured. It was not a good state of affairs, everyone was on edge. Gossip was ripe wherever she went, but no one had any real information.

The MCH was now surrounded by scaffolding and personnel scrambled up and down ladders, reconstructing the external shell now the frame of the building had been secured again. She turned and walked between the Hospital and the Science building, heading towards the Colony Commander's residence. Astra was beautiful this time of year, and she was looking forward to a stroll through the Fleet Captain's gardens before presenting herself. She was curious to know why she had been summoned.

Po Toocool nodded to the Steward, who had carefully tidied away all signs of this morning's meeting, a bleak meeting if ever she'd had one, nary a smile among them. She was glad they had gone ahead wih the Ball even after the explosions had occurred, people needed something light hearted after all that had been going on. She certainly did. She sighed, the Steward left, and she was alone with her thoughts again. Last night Souleymane had been understanding and supportive, he had surprised her. She'd expected a confrontation, instead he gave her compassion and consideration and even acceptance. She had agreed to his suggestion that she consult medical with regard to her health, and liked his idea of contacting Kat Anjar. Souley had offered his home for this, but Po had decided she would see Kat after the breakfast briefing that was held in her residence. She felt... she needed to be in control of the environment, and that she would need time to come to terms with anything the doctor might say. She would not exclude Souley, just make him wait a little while to hear the results. She stepped into her bedroom, unsure whether she should change or not... but then she recalled the Caitian appeared slightly nervous in her presence.

She takes out a simple yellow shirt and pants, and slips out of her uniform, hanging it up after disengaging the combadge and pinning it onto the blouse she has put on. She brushed her hair and pinned it up, once satisfied she stepped into the reception area. It was a pleasant day out, she had informed her Yeoman that she would be taking the day off. Her vice would attend the Council meeting. She would rest at home and was not to be contacted unless there was something truly urgent that required her to be present or make a decision. They all had their instructions. She had spoken with the head of the Astraionian Civilian Authority, discussing the possibility of raising the planetary shield on a permanent basis. He was to take the idea to Council. Glancing out the door, she observes Kat showing her credentials to Security. Suddenly she feels rather reluctant, wishing she had not told Souley she would do this.

Kat passes the security checkpoint and moves along the path through the fragrant garden, enjoying being out in the sun and air. She refuses to let her worries take her from the present moment, and pauses to look at the new blooms, and watch the butterflies flit around, and listen to the birds singing. She takes a deep breath. She does not want to be nervous in front of the Colony Commander!

Finally she reaches the cottage... which is surprising in itself. Many in such a high position would choose a mansion to broadcast their prestige, but not Poison Toocool. She lives in a simple cottage surrounded by gardens, and spends her free time outside, where she grows some of the fruits and vegetables she eats. Kat had seen the cottage from afar when visiting out patients at the House of Healing the Fleet Captain had created on her land. A perfect place for people to get well. As Kat thinks about that, she realizes that perhaps Poison is not so scary after all. She reaches her hand to knock then jumps when Poison appears soundlessly in front of her.

She walks through the door into a charming room, a small fire banked in the fireplace, comfortable chairs around it; a long table to the right which is used for briefings, and to the left an exit to what she presumed was the bedroom. Everything was light and airy, there were several exits to a porch that wrapped around the entire cottage, and green could be seen from every door and window.

"How beautiful," she exclaimed.

Before the Caitian could knock, Poison stepped into the doorway and gestured, indicating Kat should come inside. Her reluctance to have this... examination was increasing by the minute.

"Please make yourself comfortable," she says politely although her teeth are gritted. "May I offer you some tea?"

Kat places her medical bag on the floor next to one of the couches, turning to Poison: "Ma'am, I would gladly have tea but perhaps we should first check you over?" She senses that Poison is not too enthusiastic about this. "Would you like to sit here?" Kat knows that a biobed would make the collection of information about Poison's condition that much easier, but respects the fact that the Fleet Captain did not wish to be seen in the sickbay, especially right now with so many people trying to repair the Hospital or visit relatives.

Poison sighs and sits on the couch, rolling her shoulders back and shutting her eyes for a moment. "Nurse Anjar," she says softly, "What is your security clearance, please." Even though kat has left Starfleet her oath to never reveal top secret information would carry through to her death and beyond. She may not disclose any personal information about a patient anyway.

Kat takes a chair from the dining table and brings it over and puts it directly in front of her patient, and sits down, placing the med kit on the small coffee table, she opens it and takes out the medical tricorder.

"Level six, Stigma nine, Ma'am." Due to her work with the Caitain ambassador, and her personal attendance on other delegates or representatives at the Astaionian Council, Kat's security clearance was higher than most. Cait was a long time Federation member world and Caitians were a well respected species.

Poison shakes her head. Six was high, but not high enough. She doubts any clearance level would make her feel safe. The possibility of top secret information getting into the wrong hands was just too great. However the Stigma nine comforts her. "Anything you observe, examine or discuss with me from this point on is Classfied Top Secret and may not be revealed to anyone. You may not keep a log. You must remove all data from your devices," Poison points to the tricoder, "Do I make myself clear?"

"Understood, Ma'am," Kat says softly, bringing the tricorder to the position where it could read her patient's condition most effectively. As she reads the output her whiskers tremble. She wonders what this is all about.

An hour later, after the exam, tea and a chat are over, Kat steps back out onto the pathway and walks towards the Hospital.

Poison shivers. Despite the warmth of the spring morning, she feels chilled. She sits on a chair close to the hearth, some minutes pass while she thinks over what has just occurred. Finally, she closes her eyes, letting her mind go. In a moment, all that remains of her is the uniform on the floor, its combadge glinting in the light of the fire. The Wolf moves to an open doorway and slips out, heading for the forest and the mountain behind it.



Evan worried about the explosion at the Majel hospital. He knew that Kat had been on duty for that shift, and he wanted to head directly toward the hospital. However, the Superintendent had ordered all available officers to help with traffic control around the hospital. There were hundreds of concerned citizens that were worried at loved ones at the hospital, APF had been tasked with this duty by Starfleet. According to the Superintendent, they would make the traffic control so smooth that no one could accuse the department of being unable to handle the job. As Evan suspected, it did go easy. The uniforms of the APF made an impression on the concerned citizens. And they all accepted that, ‘all was well’ and ‘you will be reunited with your loved ones as soon as possible.’ Evan helped, but his role was merely supervisory. As a senior inspector, Detectives typically wore a suit, so Evan Torg stood back and tried his best to look officious and ‘in charge’ of the situation. He let the uniformed officers do the real work.

His communicator beeped. Evan answered, thinking it might be the Superintendent. “Detective Torg,” he answered. “Traffic,” he added as an additional insult, hoping that his point would have been made with the bureaucrat.

“Evan,” asked a male voice, “Evan Torg?”


“I’m Nurse Anders,” he answered. “I am a co-worker of Kat Anjar. She was injured in the accident.”

“I see,” Evan’s mind raced trying to understand what had just happened. “Is she…”

“It is just a broken arm,” Anders continued. “We need someone to take her home for rest. According to the EMH, Caitian bones need to be treated gently after resetting. He wants her to report to home for rest. Kat suggested that you could take her home.”

“Okay,” Evan relaxed, realizing that Kat would be fine. “I’ll take care of it. Where do I need to pick her up?”

Anders explained where the pickup location and closed the communications channel.

“Sergeant Mirg,” Evan spoke to a uniformed female APF officer. “I need to take care of something. You are in charge.”

Kat Anjar sat, a bit teary and tired, on one of the biobeds set up under a canopy on the Majel Community Hospital helipad, some distance away from the actual building, which looked fine from this angle but was, she knew, quite badly damaged from some kind of explosion that had happened only a few hours ago. Any ambulatory patients like her had been herded to this makeshift sickbay where an EMH and other helpers assess their needs and set the plan for treatment by who needed the most help the soonest. Kat, with bumps, bruises and a mild concussion, had been left for hours. She understood why, but fretted at being a patient when the need for nurses was so great. Finally she just walked around, finding a blanket here, or giving some water, or replicating some food, for those in her ‘ward’. The head nurse should have told her to go back to bed, but they were so overrun with people from SS Astraios as well as the MCH they had either not noticed or just appreciated her doing whatever she could.

The EMH, who was tireless of course, had spotted her only a few minutes ago and snapped at her, telling her she should be off duty. She had protested, but he pointed out she had a concussion as well as a hairline fracture of her left Radius, and she should be resting. He had ordered her back to her bed, but relaxed enough to tell her that if she could find someone to escort her home, she could be discharged as long as she promised to go to bed when she got there. Knowing they needed the beds for other patients, Kat had asked a passing nurse to contact Evan. He was the only person she could think of who might be free enough to take her home.

She supposed they could be transported there, but from what she had overheard, the transporters were not working in the area of the MCH due to an energy discharge. The station was considered ‘offline’ as engineering teams worked to repair the damage now they had it back on the correct orbital path. Maybe Even would have a small shuttle or a landbased vehicle they could use.

She sighed, wishing for a cup of warm milk and her own little bed.

Evan managed to requisition one of police cruiser from one of the uniformed officers, Frid, helping with the traffic control. “You’ll owe me one, Evan.” The officer rekeyed the controller and handed it to Evan. “Don’t abandon this one at the pier, this time.” Evan agreed, choosing not to explain the failure of the controller of the previously abandoned vehicle.

A few minutes later Evan arrived at the makeshift sickbay driving the police cruiser. He could see the partially collapsed MCH in the distance. He noticed that there was still considerable smoke. While Detective Torg moved toward the door, one of the Starfleet security types had tried to stop him. Evan flashed his badge, saying ‘official police business’ and pushing through. It had worked and he was soon inside the shelter.

Inside, Evan concluded that it was best described as chaos. Medical teams were moving from patient to patient. Grabbing the first person that didn’t seem to be in a hurry, which had taken a couple of attempts, he asked about Kat. The answer he received was a grunt and a wave in a particular direction. Trying to follow the vague directions, Evan moved through the room, attempting to stay out of the way.

“Sir, if you aren’t injured. I need you to leave.” Said a particularly dour mooded doctor.

“I’m picking up a friend,” Evan answered.

“This is a makeshift hospital,” the doctor snarled, “not a tent for a springtime masked ball.”

“She is a nurse,” Evan held up his badge to show that he was not merely wandering around. “She needed a ride home. Something about a broken arm.”

“Oh yes,” the doctor nodded. “Kat Anjar is over there. You should take her home. Have the rest of the APF insure that she does nothing but rest. Caitian hairline radius fractures are prone to rupture.”

“Of course,” Evan reassured the doctor and walked over to Kat. He could see that she wasn’t fully awake. “Hey Kat,” he said, “Let’s get you out of here.” He put his arm around her waist to help her walk and protect her injured arm.

Kat sat dozing on her biobed, the fatigue had finally hit her, and her left arm was aching. Anders had come by to say he had reached Evan and the APF officer was on his way. The nurse checked her vitals and gave her another hypospray to help with the pain, and packed a small med kit for her to take home. She was instructed to keep her combadge on and they would check on her from time to time. She listened to all the instructions, her caitian eyes luminous and heavy lidded, like a cat half asleep. Finally Evan arrived, reaching to help her off the bed and take her through the jumbled mess of the temporary sickbay to the vehicle he had brought. As he helped her into the transport, she sank into the seat with a sigh, “Thank you so much Evan. It was a bit crazy in there and,” she couldn’t stop a yawn, “I’d been on duty for such a long time.” Looking down, “My uniform is in such a state, it’s a good thing the Fleet Captain didn’t come by. She often comes to the hospital you know. I hope my patients are okay,” she was half dreaming and probably didn’t make much sense.

Working his way out of the hospital with Kat in tow, he realized that another nurse had pulled along Kat's other side.  He had introduced himself as Anders and had relayed a bunch of instructions about the small med kit. Kat didn't even groan during the discussion, and Evan wondered if she had even heard it. Once safely within the cruiser, Kat started talking as if she had ben talking all along. "No problem, Kat." He had said, "I need to take you home." She continued speaking for a few minutes then passed out again. Even could not make much sense out of her words.

Finally, the cruiser arrived at Kat's apartment. Evan carried her upstairs and helped her to her bed. "Computer," Evan had said, intending to leave her in the machines care.

"Working," responded the house computer.

"Kat has been injured," he explained. "According to the doctors she is to get some rest."

Evan listened as Kat began talking again. He then assured her that her patients were indeed okay. He toyed with the idea of leaving again. The computer would perform adequately for her care, but he could not shake the idea of her being injured and alone. "Computer, I'll be in the other room if Kat wakens."

Evan retreated into the other room and called Sargent Fenn Sennats, who informed him that he had completed speaking to the last of the Beryl fire survivors. There was nothing new to report. It effectively ended the investigation. There were no leads and no further witnesses to interview. There was one last hunch that he could play, but it likely didn't mean a thing. Souley Senghor had been on Treman Prime and there were still persistent rumors that the fire had been started by the Treman. The link between the fire and Souley was so thin that it was non-existent.  But much had happened.  There was the Starfleet Ensign killed by an overdose of a sex drug.  Beryl had burnt to the ground, and there was an explosion and collapse at the hospital.  It had all happened in the shadow of a coup d'état on Treman.  The suggestion was a conspiracy, but there wasn't a thread.  Perhaps Souley had that thread.  Evan vowed to complete the investigation and interview Souley.

Now, Evan's thoughts drifted as he fell asleep.  He was so exhausted that the little claws of the rescued kitten climbing up his leg to his lap did not prevent him from drifting off.

Kat awoke with a start. She sat up slowly. She was in her own bed, in her own little home. How did she get here? She yawned a huge cat yawn, blinking, smoothing her whiskers. Her left arm wouldn't move. It was caught under the covers... no, it was bound up in a bandage of some kind. Then she remembered.

How awful it had been, when the huge sound of the explosion had reached her ears, when the ceiling tiles had began to fall, she raced to protect her patients by trying to get forcefields up around them, too late to save one who was pierced by sharp metal, she had thrown her own body over another as the room rang with the sound of cracking and dropping. As the noise decreased she began to move, but too soon. As she stepped to the floor another part of the ceiling came down, blocking the exit to the hospital lobby, and knocking her off her feet. She didn't know how long she had been unconscious, but when she came to she was on an undamaged biobed further along the row with someone from the USS Argonaut standing over her.

She blinked again, and slid from her warm bed. Evan had brought her home. She looked outside into her living area and saw he was fast asleep, with the little kitten in his lap. She was touched.

She moved to the kitchen, one handedly organizing coffee, buns, cheese, fruit, and scrambled eggs. She had to carry everything one at a time to the table, but eventually she had a breakfast-for-dinner set up. Looking to the clock, she had no idea how long they had been asleep. Lastly she fixed a bowl for the little cat, and placed it next to a dish of water on the floor in the area she had set aside for it.

It all reminded her of the terrible fire, and now this.

She moved to Evan, sitting down next to him and placing a gentle paw on his arm. She didn't know if he was supposed to still be on duty or not, but she felt it best to wake him and feed him. She hoped he would be able to stay and talk to her.

"Evan," she said softly, "Time to wake up."

Evan fought with the dreams that were plaguing him through his sleep. Hidden enemies mocked him through masks of smoke. Beryl ruins... Opal's mocking face... Countless witnesses... Kat's soft words, "Time to wake up."

Evan realized that all had been a dream. But something had been talking to him. Something that he couldn't wrap his mind around. Something terrible...

His eyes opened, revealing Kat's home. He could see that he had been reclining on a pillow couch. He saw her nearby, her arm showing the bindings of the fracture repair from hours before. He could see a hint of sadness in her feline eyes.

"Thank you Kat," He said, noticing the breakfast spread on the nearby table. "Sorry, I did not mean to fall asleep."

He looked at the clock, realizing that his shift had ended an hour before. It would not matter, Evan answered to the Superintendent and he would not be concerned about hours, merely results. He rose, feeling his own body shake. He sat back down. He could not understand the shudders. He looked to Kat and considered what he should say. Then he settled on the truth, their friendship deserved it. "Kat, I am worried." He croaked out those few words, then tried to compose himself.

Kat watched Evan rise, then sit back down. She cocked an ear. He looked a little pale, which was unusual for him as far as she could remember. She put a gentle paw on his arm. "What is on your mind?" her voice was soft and soothing. It was a natural habit of hers to listen and try to be understanding. It was part of what made her a good medical practitioner, but it was more than that. She had a curiosity about others, what they thought and felt. She also was idealistic. One reason she had gone into Medical with Starfleet was to help, and even though she had left that lofty organization, and lived a quieter existance sans space exploration and the curiosity it might satisfy, it was very satisfactory to her as she could get to know her patients, sometimes even visiting them at their residences, and be part of their lives. And she found she wasn't fond of being deployed on a ship for many weeks at a time. Astra had become home over the past while, and Evan seemed like a nice man. "Would you like a glass of water?" She was assessing his condition, and felt a little concerned when she saw how he was shaking.

Evan agreed to the water. He could see that he had startled her as much as he had himself. Upon receiving the water, he drank it gratefully. He could feel his body rehydrating, and his mind became less detached and confused. He settled a moment, making sure he felt fine. It was not a perfect sensation to him, however he felt he could smile and mean it. He looked to her and tested his smile, watching her reactions.

"I think Astra is in serious trouble," he explained. "I've been very focused on the details for my cases, I didn't see the common thread. Someone is seriously messing with this planet. It almost looks as if this is an attempt to destabilize and confuse us. But, today looked like an attack. In some sense the hospital is our most important facility. I would consider it more important than the station because without it we don't heal our injuries. Without the medical people, we weaken.

"But as I was saying, there is a common thread to all of my cases. Starfleet is being pressured. In the case of my murder investigation, that pressure takes the form of a murdered ensign. The odd thing is that his communications badge is missing and remains missing. Did someone want that comm badge? Would it give access to something the Ensign had been working on?

Next, the Beryl village is burned to the ground. After we met at the hospital, I went to the village. I got there and found excavations in progress to repair the village. Somehow Starfleet was manipulated into destroying the evidence. Again, Starfleet is being pressured.

Then earlier... well you know what happened." He sighs and turns to her, "more pressure. What do you think, my friend? Is this as terrible as it seems?"

Kat watches Even drink the water, sitting next to him quietly, a soft paw near his arm. She was pleased when he tried to smile, she hoped it meant he was feeling better but she could see concern in his eyes. Her heart fell as he described the situation. She didn't quite agree that the spacestation wasn't important, its presence certainly was a deterrant. But the Hospital was essential, she agreed with that, even more so now that these awful things had happened. She tilts her head when she hears about the murder investigation, she knew an autopsy had been done but was surprised to hear the remains had been stolen, "For what purpose would anyone steal a cavadar which had already been thoroughly examined?" she wondered aloud. She didn't know anything about what was happening at Beryl Village, except she had seen security stopping people from entering the area, some were quite upset as they wished to dig through what was left to see if they could find any personal items. How sad to lose everything they owned, mementos, heirlooms, along with the rest.

She considers what he has said. The little kitten has eaten what was left for it, and climbed back up, laying between them, washing itself, purring. Kat reaches to pet it, it makes a feeble attempt to play and then yawns hugely, settling in the warm space between the Caitian and her guest for a cat nap.

"I had not thought of it that way, Evan," her voice is low, "but now that you describe it, I fear you may be right." She absentmindedly strokes the wee cat. "How sad it all is, and it is very difficult not to feel a real state of alarm at the situation. Do you suppose Fleet Captain Toocool has put two and two together in the way you have?" She had a lot of respect for the Colony Commander, although she was tongue-tied and nervous in the woman's presence, Kat felt she was a good leader.

Evan listened to her answer and considered the Fleet Captain. He had not yet met the Colony Commander and had not formed an opinion of her. There were his own biases against Starfleet, but he had not saddled them on to the Fleet Captain. In his mind, she had been above the problems he had with Starfleet. "I would hope that she has." He thought for a moment then asked, "I realize that I am about to ask an odd question, but I am finding myself concerned with authority given the recent developments. Do you think that the Fleet Captain can be trusted?"

Kat is taken aback by Evan's question. She's never even considered that anyone at Starfleet would ever be less than trustworthy, especially the leader of the Colony. However in her short life she certainly knew of officials and representatives who had titles but did not serve the public's best interest, rather using their positions to exert influence and gain power, prestige, and even money. She feels actually uncomfortable for a moment, even thinking of Poison Toocool that way. She looks to Evan. He would not ask such a question unless he was serious. She respects him enough to try to answer. Her eyes grow sad as she considers what to say. "She has done so much for the Colony, and for the Astraionians, it is difficult for me to see her as less than remarkable. Her manner can be brusk... she does not suffer fools badly. She goes by the book and runs the Colony that way, expecting and receiving respect. She seems to be a team player." Kat sighs, "I must admit though that I have been troubled recently by the gossip about the Fleet Captain and her... Mr Senghor." Her voice drops, "People say he is a smuggler and could be a bad influence on her. I don't think they are right. I met him and he seemed... irreverent but, nice enough. But it's not what I would have expected of her. I thought that she and... Captain Darax, the old captain of the Armstrong... I thought they were together." She shakes her head, "But they aren't now."

Listening thoughtfully to what Kat is saying, Evan began putting additional facts in place. He recalled his conversation with Miss Idryssa from a week before. It had been triggered by him overhearing the comment about 'Treman coffee.' Idryssa was Souleyman's Senghor's twin. Evan relates the conversation to Kat, trying to leave out his impressions until the very end. He concluded by explaining that he left word for Mr Senghor to contact him at his earliest convenience. "So she agreed to pass the message on to Souleyman," Evan said, then paused a moment to collect his thoughts. Glancing at Kat who was stroking the sleeping kitten, he continues. "My impression was that Idryssa was not deceiving me. Though I cannot say weather Mr Senghor might have been lying to his sister, since he has not contacted me yet.

"As for Senghor and the Fleet Captain being together, it is the first I have heard of it. But as you pointed out, the fact is troublesome. Even more so, I think Souleyman being on Treman during the coups is another troubling fact. I think it brings out a bunch of possibilities, any one of which could be true. The first and simplest is that neither of them know anything or have anything to do with the fire or the murder or the conspiracy to hide information about either. Another would be that Mr Senghor is corrupt and has been manipulating the Fleet Captain. Next, the Fleet Captain has come to the same conclusions as I have, and she is using Mr Senghor as a means to find out more - either with or without his knowledge. Another would be that the Fleet Captain is corrupt and is using Souleyman as a means to create deception to thwart any potential inquiry into her actions. This last one, by your own observations, seems unlikely, I'd like to find a way to prove it.

"Do you think I have left anything out ... either a missing possibility or an overlooked fact?"

Kat's eyes grow round and her expression is bleak as Evan lists off the possibilities. She sighs, "It is really hard for me to think that Idrissa Senghor knows anything, she was and is my patient, she seems very sincere, and a lovely girl although I can say without breaking any confidence that her life has not been easy. She loves her brother dearly and I believe he put himself in grave danger to save her and bring her here. Because of that I feel it unlikely he would be involved with the Klingons. But I have a soft heart and find it very difficult to believe the worst of people," she will put her paw gently on his knee if allowed, "Your work often encourages exactly the opposite, I think." She lilts her head, considering all that he has said, "There is another possibility, Evan. There could be someone here at Astraios who is deliberately pulling strings and spreading gossip in order to keep people off balance, gain power, and deflect curiosity about their actions or intentions. Assuming all these events are related, they would have to have access to Starfleet or have the ability to disquise themselves." Suddenly she drew in a breath, "Oh I hate this. Now I will be looking in every face wondering if this is THE horrible person who has been the cause of death and suffering."

Placing his hand upon her gently placed paw, he listened carefully to her comments. As she explains the possibility of someone deliberately manipulating the populous, Evan listened to her fears. He realized that he may have burdened her excessively with his own fears; however, her insight was invaluable. Noticing the forgotten meal, he prepared her a plate and made one for himself. "Thank you for the meal," he said then ate in silence, wondering what he needed to do next. He concluded what they needed to do, and he spent a few moments confirming his reasoning to a degree to explain it to her. "Kat, we need to go to the masked ball." He said, and stumbled over the next words, "and I uh, would like you and I to go together."

Kat accepted the plate he made for her, and placed it on her lap, pushing away the now curious kitten, "Shhh," she told it, "you had yours already." She nibbles on the food, finding herself more hungry than she had imagined, the stress of all that has happened made her feel tired and worn out. A peaceful silence falls between them as they eat, only the purring of the little one can be heard in the late afternoon. When he mentions the Masked Ball, she looks to him, surprised, pleased and curious. "Of course Even, I would go with you... but why do you say we 'need' to go?"

Evan smiled hearing the answer he was hoping for and the anticipated question. He considered his responses carefully, ensuring that they continued to make sense to him. He turned to her, taking her paw in his hand. "There are several reasons. I read some Terran history that indicated that a way for civilians to do their part in a conflict was to live their lives in spite of whatever happened. One people called the British managed to keep their own moral during the worst possible circumstances. It meant that in spite of the terrible bombings from the air and indiscriminate destruction was not breaking them. In effect they lived their lives and used it to defeat their enemy. I think we should show our masked enemy that we can celebrate something in spite of the fear they are attempting to foster. I believe that you would agree that we need to let them know they won't succeed. Furthermore, I think it sends a message to our own leaders. Take care of this so that we can live our lives. Its a message that I hope they will hear. Lastly, my friend, I believe that I owe you a relaxing evening given all I have burdened you with this evening. I am really wanting us to be able to relax and enjoy each other's company without having our jobs demanding our attention. I would very much like to spend time with you." He stoped, hoping that he said the right words.

Kat accepts his touch as he turns to tell her his reasoning. Despite the terrible events of the past few weeks the knowledge that she has him for a friend comforts her, something she needs in this moment. She had always felt the station and the Colony, along with the planetary shield, would guard them from anything truly heinous but now she is not so sure. Her whiskers tremble as she contemplates the series of events that seem to say they are not as safe on Astra Prime as she had believed. She blinks and sighs, listening. She nods as he explains. "I had felt angry with Fleet Captain Toocool for allowing this Ball to occur after so many had been injured and killed," she says softly. "I couldn't understand it. Although she can be very stern, I always thought she had compassion." Kat had seen Poison with Hars in some of his worst days in the Hospital, sitting calmly and talking to him to comfort him, and it had seemed to Kat then that there was a glow coming from the Colony Commander, an odd thing but... it had seemed peaceful and calming. For Toocool to have a celebration at the height of pain and grief was terribly wrong, in Kat's mind. "But now you make me realize, why she wanted us to go ahead and have the dance. To show our.. enemies that we are not defeated and.. to give some meaning to the deaths, that they were not in vain," Kat's eyes fill with silent years, "they do need to take care of this, so we can live our lives, all of us, and..." she will lean into him and put her head on his shoulder if permitted, "it has not been a burden, Evan. It has been... a revelation. Thank you for talking to me so openly. As a nurse practitioner at the embassy and in the hospital I hear bits and pieces, and rumors, now you help me to piece it together into something I can understand and even... help fight in my own way." Her paw is still in his palm. The little kitten climbs back onto Kat's lap, and bats playfully at the two joined hands before settling down, washing an ear, looking up at them with trustful eyes. Gently: "I would like to spend time with you too."
